Introducing the exquisite Eden Bouquet, a captivating blend of vibrant colors, showcasing the timeless elegance of roses and the delicate beauty of chrysanthemums. This enchanting floral arrangement is a stunning masterpiece, meticulously crafted to bring joy and enchantment to any occasion.
The Eden Bouquet embraces a mesmerizing blend of roses and chrysanthemums, carefully hand-picked to ensure each bloom is of the highest quality. Radiating a spectrum of colors, this mix captures nature’s splendor, exuding an air of sophistication and grace.
The Eden Bouquet embraces a mesmerizing blend of roses and chrysanthemums, carefully hand-picked to ensure each bloom is of the highest quality. Radiating a spectrum of colors, this mix captures nature’s splendor, exuding an air of sophistication and grace.
Size | Large | N200,000, Medium | N140,000, Regular | N95,000 |
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